
Celuedición: ¿un futuro de las publicaciones?

«a mobile publishing company for reading and writing young-adult fiction called Figment, which will launch this summer. Figment is a user-generated community for teens. It’s a creative space for where they read great content, write unfiltered stories, and share them on the web and mobile phones. We aim to connect an active amateur community with the professional one, and insure everyone gets a response.»

Sobre esta empresa aún no hay más información que este video. Al parecer la idea tiene su origen en las adolescentes japonesas, que desde hace años escriben, comparten y leen en sus celulares. «In America, 75% of teens have a cell phone, an equal number use social networking sites and, most impressively, more than a third of them send over 3,000 texts per month. 100 times a day. 10 times an hour. This is our thumb tribe», dicen los creadores de Figment.

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