
Libros de rock

Al igual que el recientemente publicado Just Kids, una —imagino— impresionante memoire, de Patti Smith; Grunge, de Thurston Moore, y otros tantos, este libro, Gimme Something Better pasa a engrosar mi lista de deseados. Al parecer no hay mercado en español para estas joyitas (?). Ay, cómo me gustaría editarlos.

Palabras de Thurston Moore, en la presentación de su libro Grunge: «We almost have to be defensive with a book called Grunge»:

«I've always had the notion of the next Sonic Youth record being something that is as much a literary experience as it is an audio experience. Records have always been like that for me anyway. I've always been attracted to artists who make music and records that have that kind of aesthetic. From Lou Reed to Patti Smith to Tom Verlaine to Richard Hell, I've always been interested in people who do music as literature. Sonic Youth has always been about that for me more or less anyway».

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